Welcome to my first diary post. This is a very good concept where I can now criticise anybody and not just a product.
Should I be regular in the post? I read the newsletter from Faisal, mouthshut.com's ceo and found out all the new goodies in the profile section. This thing is taking off like flyingelephants' much talked about plane on mouthshut.com
It was good to read his teaser post on his meeting with MS members and teh CEO. I wanted to meet the CEO about two years ago but I was not given an appointment of the date I requested. This is not fair.
Tomm. I will call Faisal during dial the ceo and complain, bitch and scream. He claims dial the ceo is for all. Will he be able to tolerate my complaints or will he hang up on me?
Will his secretary screen the calls or will he take all the calls?
I will talk to him about his member banning policy. He should ban few members on mouthshut.com I want to congratulate him for banning the nastiest Mouthshut member MS ID Suyog.
I want to scream at faisal for ignoring members like Cuchillo Kishore hitenrmehta rajasagar milinddesai asyis riks etc etc
I will call the Dial the CEO. You should too.
Will faisal explain why he sent this m2m to all those he trusts. He talks about removing from his list of trust all the members who don't have a photo. Such a demanding person.
I am copy pasting;
Subject: Bulletin: My trusted circle IMPORTANT Message: I am sending this bulletin to all those who I trust. Trust me, I love you and your reviews on MouthShut.com But I want to give it more personal touch for which I am gonna be bit more demanding. I feel a picture completes your profile. Brings out the person in you. Hence, I will not trust anybody who does not post a profile pic. If you are on my trusted circle and do not have a profile pic, you can do it now by editing your profile. Beginning Feb 19, 2008, Tuesday: IF YOU DO NOT UPLOAD A PROFILE PIC, I WILL REMOVE YOU FROM MY TRUSTED CIRCLE. Sorry:-) --Faisal
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none, Diary, first, old, members