Pratapgad fort is a a wonder in itself!
It is mere 16kms from Mahabaleshwar and 25kms from Poladpur.
Without a guide, it's mere a place of come and go. so I would suggest to hire a guide to explain history about this fort.
U can get more details about Travelling.. I would just focus on history!! coz that's more amazing about this fort.
Shivaji Maharaj's most loved fort, It has 4 corners called as "Buruj's" in local language. Now only 1 is maintained and rest are primitive. The Buruj's were used as signaling purposes.
The koyna river streams run near the fort and that's where the Afzal khan and his huge troops spotted a vantage point to enter in fort, coz there was no easy access to this fort because of the impenetrable western ghats.
When Afzal khan arrived with his troops near the Base, he sent his doot's(Agent) to maharaj to have a meet. Maharaj accepted and via his doot, set up a meeting inside a tent like house.
Maharaj knew that it was Afzal khan's plan to attack him, so he ordered his troops to stay back and wait for signal. The signal was 5 consecutive bomb fires from the "Buruj's" (This would suggest that Maharaj has sucessfully stabbed Afzal khan to his death)
The key was If at all maharaj was injured in the process, he had ordered to fire 5 bombs coz to maintain the confidence of his troops! That's what u call a real leader. But fortunately it did'nt happened.
Maharaj on other hand entered the tent for meeting and then Afzal khan asked him to Hug and have a word of friendship with him.. When he hugged, he hugged him very tightly(Khan was 8 ft and much more in body mass than Maharaj) such that maharaj was almost helpless and he realised the plan of Afzal khan. He immedieatly removed his "Wagh- Nakh" (Nails of Lion), wore it and then stabbed Afzal khan to his ultimate death.
His Head was slaughtered and sent to Afzal khan's relatives! The rest body is buried at pratapgad fort. That's what our guide said us.. and please correct it if mistakes! So I humbly request to hire a guide while visit.. coz that's only the ultimate way to enjoy any fort.