Pro and con
A pinch in the heart it gives
Yet a soulful pleasure.
Bizarre are the emoticons
Similar are the strong emotions
This silent, little dwelling
Has filled in me a joyous tinkling
Catering to needs of My, Mine own.
Happy, secluded sense of living.
At times the idle devil works,
Craving to be more occupied
The dependant self wished
To be the ever-independent one.
Then arrives a craving to turn to home.
Sensible it is for kith and kin
But here I am, witnessing
Repercussions and constraints.
What God wills shall occur,
Immaterial of what I prefer.
Unstable thoughts disregarded
In chaos, cosmos shall be attained!
This is a poem written, when the thought of returning homewards from this home came across my mind. This is reality now and we will be leaving this dwelling of mine!
Mixed emotions race as we both are trying as much to face reality...
Tags :
Home, return, pro, con, mine