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By: mayicontact_u | Posted: Apr 16, 2008 | Inspiration | 419 Views

How many steps will it take to walk a mile?

How many seconds will it take to wait a while?

How many battles do we need for us to win?

How many Gods do we need to forgive our sins?

How many times must a man betray his faith?

How many times can a man control his hate?

When do we say that justice isn't fair??

How can we endure the burden that we bear?

Where is the youth who will dare?

Where can we find the people who really care?

Where can we find the road to success?

Is it in the north, south, east, or west?

Where can I

find true love?

That God had gave from above?

How many struggles do we need to make it through?

When do we say that a statement is false or true?

How can I forgive others?

When they killed my peers?

Can you give help to those people in need?

After they have dropped you and you bleed?

Who are the people you can trust?

In this world, to fight is a must.

The world will continue to evolve,

Until those questions have been solved.

M.S Naresh

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