This is my first blog so forgive me for being such a kid on blogging.
Most of the blogging guides suggested me not to write anything about yourself,as no one would be interested on reading. But the situation made be write about this.
the story starts way long back when I was a kid. not a normal one but a weired one, who never had any friends other than my pets, never went out to play with other kids of my age. and topping to it had a imaginary friend.
days went by I grewup. being a weird kid I also had a weired eveything and every gift my parents gave me I used to make unnecessary fuss and had every valid reason for not liking I was weired and smart one too.
Without knowing anything just used to hurt them.
now that im working and have colleagues who are in their 40's who have teenage kids. who do the same what I used to do, so eventually I became a counselor for them.
one of my colleagues daughter broke her phone. so her mom decided to buy her a new one so she walked along with her daughter to a nearby mobile store. where the kid picked a sony xperia T2 as she always wanted a phone which is big, unfortunately after the billing she got to know that the draw back for Xperia handset is you cant move your application to the external memory card. my friend tried her best to convince the store keeper to exchange the phone, the store keeper said its closing time get the phone first thing in the morning so that I will check what can be done, provided which the box is not opened.
the girl made a big fuss and started telling her mom that she pushed her into it and she never had intentions to buy an Xperia phone instead she wanted to go for HTC. the argument went into too personal that the girl yelled at her mother that if she had her father she would have been very happy.(my friend being a single mom)
the girl shut herself in the room leaving her mom hurt.the time was 12:30am and my friend calls me and burst into tears. I didn't knew what to say but after listening to the entire story, I tried to comfort her and promised that I would talk to her first thing in the morning.
Morning I pinged on her whatsapp" Hey girl congratulation!"
she was also little low and replied what all happened the story from her point of view.
finally she slipped into the living room where the box was kept and she opened and clicked pictures of the handset and sent me.
as kids we never realize how hard our parents work to put our lives in place. they just sacrifice their small needs just to ensure that we get out big dreams fulfilled. my mom & dad had to sacrifice and cut down their expenses to ensure I get proper education.
the moment the mother & daughter problem solved.
I called up my mom and she was so happy just to listen to my voice. unfortunately my dad cant hear my voice which he loved the most as he lost his hearing ability 2 yrs ago.
every kid will surely realize sooner or later that someday they get to see them selves in the same situation which they have put their parents in.
P:S: Love Sony over HTC:P