Life has sped up in incredible ways in the past decade or so. Our world is shrinking fast. But are we able to keep the pace? Have we unwillingly sacrificed something important? Have a look around you, a look around at the reality that surrounds you. What do you see?
Do you see a world drowning in imitations? Do you see a world in which every creative thought is dissected over and over again just so we can create a process to accurately replicate it..whenever we want. Do you see hordes of intelligent men and women fall back to their primitive primate social behaviour? Imitating the first path-breaking trend that swings their way in the endless pursuit for more and more money?
Mass media blares out at you from every corner, every nook, every PA system…every television set. Bombarding the populace with information viruses and smart advertising bombs. Repetitive infomercials barrage the airwaves. Concrete skycrapers reflect back and resonate the signals until there is only one thought possible. Until the only desire you feel is the urge to buy some more shit you dont really need. Just cause the guy on the telly told you so.
Quality has become a joke word used in inside advertising circles by giggling adsharks over coffee convos. To be made into a trick of light and shadow. Originality has become a fable. A story we used to talk about as children. Minds once bright, have been stuck in the grind for so long that they have lost all sense of purpose, individuality. It has been so long since someone real stood up…that we have all forgotten what the real deal feels like.
Well rise boys and girls, it is a time for change. A time to break free from this coma that holds us down, the slavery of brands, the worship of megacorporations and their logos. Time to get radical and jump onto India’s only online bazaar for the creatively inclined and the mass media challenged. For all among you wanting something more, something better for their buck.
Wake up your inner Indie. ‘Cause you and I…we got work to do.' visit