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By: pranabbush | Posted: Oct 15, 2015 | General | 213 Views

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is to inform you that on 6th Oct-15, I had recharged from freechrge my Vodafone No: 9009301240 with amount of 700 Rupees but the transaction was unsuccessful.

It's been 6 days from the date of transaction, still the deducted amount is not refunded in my account.

Transaction Details:

  1. Ref No.: CCACJ1FVX808IG0AUILHJ6

  2. Transaction date: 06-10-15

  3. Account No.: 2008440003

  4. Bank: SBI

  5. Trans. Amount: 700/-

Kindly do the needful. Regards,


mobile no. 9009301240

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