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By: pujagarg2005 | Posted: Jun 20, 2011 | General | 561 Views

Relationship – Man-Woman

A man-woman relation is a very special and a critical part of their long-term association for life. The man in India is the dominating member and the woman has to obey him. With woman liberalization, today a woman demands equal rights as her husband from him and his family. Yet the man rules the house. Very rarely, it’s the opposite case.

A man and a woman must be the best of friends and should have direct and frank conversations, regarding all aspects of their life and relationship. When this communication ends a lot is over between them. The love which blossoms among them also seems to disappear. They become distant even when they live together under the same roof.

The family of the husband also pays a vital role in making and breaking the man-woman relationship. If the man is family dependant (emotionally and financially) he generally ignores his wife, which drives her away from him. He often ill treats her in front of them and cannot keep a balance between his wife and parents. This starts deteriorating their relationship. A woman comes to a house leaving everything behind hoping to get love and support from her husband and his family. When that is not given to her, she starts becomes against them, as well as her man. It’s a common feature among all married couples in their early years of marriage. The interference of the parents is more when they live with the couple. This also affects the relationship of the man and the woman.

Ladies are more interfering than the males. It often becomes suffocating for the wife to live in such conditions. Yet she struggles hoping for her good days to come.

I would never force myself to live with my kids nor would I interfere in their lives. Hope all elders realize it and exercise this. The man is the pivotal element and he must respect his wife among all so she also gets the some respect. More so, the wife will never respect her in-laws if they create the above mentioned problems for her.

Dear woman, be strong. Your days will come!

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