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By: khulamunh | Posted: Jul 16, 2010 | bickerings !! | 1494 Views

Why does a community of sane minds get jealous of others...why cant you all live in peaceful co-existence....why do we always have the frog-in-the-well mentality to pull the other down, ..... or have your own strength to climb up.

This is the second time around an obnoxious and irrelevant Diary has been posted targetting me and my character on MOUTHSHUT, today.

I have a set of great friends who do inform me of such and other activity and likewise when something odd happens pertaining to the community, we discuss and take it up on our level with Admin and CEO of MS as well.

Last time I had sent an SMS to a respected member from MS management and the DP was taken off and ID was blocked. Today it took a message to Admin and prompt action was taken and it was again removed from the list of DPs posted. The ID was a fresh one, and is being tracked.

The Call Girl DPs and posting of Porn pics at late night hours .... were happening and the members were aghast at why it was taking so long, we were informed that, they were tracking the origin...these IP addresses have been tracked and handed over to concerned authorities for action.

What do our competitors want after seeing the immense success of Mouthshut as a portal. It had started as a Product Review site, then upgradations began to happen and the popularity soared further taking the registered members strength to a humongous figure.......all in just about 10 years.!!!

It is now that there are others who want to piggy back on the success of this site and probably upstage this lovely concept or sabotage (pardon my words here) for ulterior motives.

I would suggest you all to :

a) Please not to encourage such people / members who want you to undertake and involve your time and space, simply by not interacting with them.

b) Report any such activity you see or are aware of to the MS Admin.

c) Boycott all such DPs , SMS Revus , Reviews , Photos etc. that probably titilate you or excite you to read them, and this is the first slap on their face when there will be no clicks on their efforts.

d) Please stay united.

Just that I may share in a jist, what was entered on the last DPs trying to assassinate my character.

I am a pimp of Mouthshut on Facebook.

I am hung up on sex and only befriend females for amorous pleasures and meet them all over the country.

I am sex starved and so post vulgar and dirty SMS's and Status's on either site.

I am sure all those who are friends with me or have met me should know me well enough by now. I have no fear of sharing these contents with all of you, as tommorow you guys may become a target of someones vengeance who fakes under the garb of a friend and then has such thoughts in his mind running. God give them Sanity !!

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