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By: vivek2012smailbox | Posted: Sep 29, 2012 | General | 939 Views

This is the Text already posted by Vivek Dominic Akshaya Arvind Gopiunath and our friends strong textSARANATHAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ,PANJAPPUR, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI

Posted on Sep 27, 2012 under General

I. Vivek final year student of BE (EEE) of Saranathan College Of Engineering ,Tiruchrappalli along with my friends of my class Dominic ,Aravind ,Akshaya ,Gopinath and our friends write this review about this college. This college is number one worst college in Trichirappalli .Reasons are given below .Alot of politics are going among Teachers .1) Principal Gopalakrishnan is always having sexual relationship with EEE HOD .Holding clippings in this regard .So they are polite towards us 2) All the female lecturers are not having good characters ,they are used to have sexual relationship with our college students after college hours 3) Holding clippings in this regard as a proof 4) Especially Lecturer Sarayu is number one sexy lecturer .5) She is having alot of sexual business after college hours.6) Sarayu is having sexual relationship with many male professors during office hours like principal gopalkrishnan.7) Because of sexual incident principal gopalakrishnan resigned 8) All female lecturers are very worst 8) Mechanical department is number one worst department where girls and boys are used to have sexual relationship during week ends .9) female lecturers of ECE department are typical behaving like sexual ladies and are having seual relationship ECE and other Departments Male lecturers 9) Some one stop this nonsense incidents going on in this college .


Vivek Dominic Akshaya Arvind Gopiunath and our friends strong text Derived this text from this site and psoted n this site

Sep 28, 2012 12:26 PM Like (0)


saranathan college Of engineering Punjappur Tiruchirapalli

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Posted on Sep 28, 2012 under General

ext from Vivek dominic etc posted on 27/09/2012

By: gonsalves2012 | 1 hr 11 mins ago

Worst Students Vivek and dominic

These two students Vivek and dominic are number one cheaters .They stole uSd 600 from my pocket when I was having freindship at Trichy .These two students showed certain illegal sexual photos of their own classmates namely Akshaya ,krithika .Abithakujalambhal etc and they worked with me a deal as if these two students are ready to supply these girls for sexual relationship with the man .These cheaters must sacked them at once .I wrote a letter about this to Gopalakrishnan Principal about this strong text Gonsalves Uk

Sep 28, 2012 02:01 PM Lik

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