What better way than saying it with flowers every morning. Each morning is a surprise and an experience that you carry with you the whole day. It sets the tone for the day, so to speak. We have a garden that has a variety of flowers and so does the scene outside it. Each day I look forward to collecting flowers, the purpose of which is to placate the gods and goddesses at home in the puja room. This however is an incentive every morning for taking a walk ,when I go in search of flowers, literally hunting high and low to fill up my bag. There is always an uncertainty attached to it as you may not find flowers always in the same nooks and crannies, that you do everyday. But you may come upon a different flower, a new discovery perhaps, which helps in keeping your mood upbeat. Also, some days maybe disappointing as somebody would have beaten you to it and would have stolen the blooms ahead of you. So definitely there is competition when it comes to the collection of flowers. The mornings are invigorating and filled with the scent of different flowers. The different birdcalls that you get to hear takes you closer to the beauty of nature. There are the hibiscus flowers that have quite a spread , the yellow flowers( like the Wordsworthian Daffodils, dancing and fluttering in the breeze), just outside our garden wall. They are a treat to the eyes especially when they sit in the vase quite beautifully. The parijaat flowers strewn on the ground have a mild but captivating scent. Not to mention the bunches of crimson roses that are quite splendid, and can easily be described as the "king of flowers". Sometimes you find the sunbirds perched lightly on the branches that hold these flowers and which carry the pollen and help in the propagation of seeds that grow up to be healthy saplings. Of course not all can be hunky-dory. Currently, the scene has been depressing, as many of the plants outside have come under the axe, so to speak. We now get to see a dismal scene of wooden stumps where there was the presence of lush vegetation. The popular view is that the cyclical chopping of these plants helps in their regrowth and that they will bounce back with renewed vigor. This maybe so, but it comes as quite a shock when you go out for flowers and find them missing. However you just don't have a choice and have to take it in your stride, and be positive in your ardent belief that the flowers will bloom again and will fill up your bag for the day and help in starting your day on a happy note, in your efforts to curry god's favors with floral tributes.