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By: bharatswabhimaan | Posted: May 14, 2009 | General | 1742 Views (Updated May 14, 2009)


By Swami Ramdev

It is needed to change the nation’s religious and political thinking in a positive manner. A person associated with politics feels proud to be called as neutral to dharma .But he forgets that no person can be without dharma, as it is not only constricted to going to temples, Mosques, Churches, Gurudwara etc. Dharma is those rules, restrictions and values by following which a person, family, nation and world can have happiness, peace and content. Doing one’s duty and taking care of one’s liability sincerely is dharma. Being neutral to dharma does not means to demean people having various religious and religious faith nor it is to attack them without any limit neither it is to abuse a majority population so as to be called friend of minority. Also from the language point of view being neutral to dharma is meaningless. A person, object or material can never be neutral to dharma.

It is a paradox that we have declared the physical forms of rituals as dharma whereas today worldwide in the name of dharma illusion, deceiving, hate and religion conversion type of activities are being done. If one sees history then he will find that there were no temples, idols, Mosques or Churches 2000 years back. 2000 years ago there was no knowledge of Puran, Quran or Bible. Five thousand years ago there was no books of Geeta and Nine lakh years before there was no book of Ramayana, does this means that before this dharma was not there? The knowledgeable of India have compared life values to dharma.

Maharishi in Manu Smriti has called patience, forgiveness, control, purity, control of organs, knowledge, truth and no anger as dharma. Forgetting non-violence, truth, equal ness, content and worldwide brotherhood, we consider outside activities as dharma. Like neutral to dharma is meaningless similarly, dharma conversion is also meaningless because if truth, non-violence, forsaking, love, brotherhood, tolerance, help and giving alms is dharma then what does dharma conversion means .If by religious conversion there is no importance to the values of life then why religious conversion at all? Dharma inspires us to leave selfishness and do well for others then why this reservation on the name of dharma and why this behavior of differentiation. Conspiracy and debate on the name of dharma is a hindrance to nation’s progress. Hence people representing different religious faiths should not explain dharma on the basis of selfish motives. Dividing a country on the name of dharma and caste is dangerous to the unity of the country. We should see ourselves above our personal greed and we should not get recognized by caste, religion or sections. Being Indian is our recognition, Humanity is our dharma and Human is our caste. People living with such an attitude should treat work as their worship.

Few questions concerned with dharma, god and constitution urges us to think. Dharma, God and country has some rules and regulations which in a way plays an important role in increasing friendship, tenderness, love, good thinking, happiness, peace, content. Unfortunately people representing different communities for cheap popularity create an illusion in the name of dharma. They know it very well that separating nation and hearts is never allowed by dharma.

Even though because of narrow mindedness they misuse dharma. Such people are very dangerous for the nation and society. At the time of independence few knowledgeable persons studied many countries’s constitution. In the age of the English many rules were

Included as such. In the present scenario dharma and constitution should be discussed with a positive approach. It should be kept in mind that no ones religious feelings and faith should be hurt.

Division in the name of religion, caste and terrorism should be checked. At this moment many burning issues need solution. When there were no religious books in the old world then was there no dharma prevalent? Thousands of years before there were no Temples, Mosques, Gurudwaras or churches. At that time people used to worship god under open sky. The question is happy were they happier then or we are happier now worshipping in temples.

In the world the definition and explanation of science is standardized. Dharma is also a science of life, why cannot it have standardized definitions and explanations. In the name of dharma many organizations are advertising illusion. To maintain unity, rule obedience, discipline and justice in a society constitution and rules are needed. In the same way to live our internal life with peace, happiness and pleasure dharma is needed .Before being Hindu, Muslim or Christian we are humans, and if we are humans then cannot the whole world have one constitution and dharma? Can the People not be aroused for world peace set a global constitution and code?

Tags :
is, of, scientific, explanation, dharma, necessary.
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