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By: mutter-3 | Posted: Mar 24, 2012 | General | 753 Views (Updated Mar 26, 2012)

Is it possible to see something positive in every situation in life, no matter how bad it may be?

I believe the answer to that is yes. Although it may not seem so at the time, if you look back at bad situations, you will most certaintly find something positive about them.

Finding the positvity in bad situations is sometimes not that hard. We may ask oursleves: "What is good about what I am experiencing?"

However, bad situations force a person to grow, spiritually and mentally. They become stronger, find ways to survive, that they never knew were possible.

At times, something exceptionally good may happen in a persons life because of a bad situation. For example: the company you work for has gone to bankruptcy, you are left with no job, and no income; this may inspire you to start your own business, which turns out to be quite lucrative. Had you not lost your job, you would most likely not have started your own business.

Going through bad situations in life, result in people becoming stronger, more self assured persons. You must not let the situation take control of your life. Use the situation as a stepping stone to grow and become a stronger individual; don't let lifes happenings drag you down to a place where you cannot, or do not want to, get up from. The choice to move on is yours and mine to make.

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