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By: gurumurthyshastry | Posted: Jul 15, 2014 | General | 456 Views

Its been some time since I compiled Shastrianisms(one liners or a few liners) penned by me into a blog. Here they go -

Its not about the hundreds of external voices telling you that you can't, its about your voice intensely reiterating'I can'

Hard work is not the key to success. The drive to work hard is and you need to be lucky enough to have that drive in you. Luck is the key to success.

The more I get to know things, more the so I am getting to know how much I don't know and how much there is to know. Life is so bloody vast for this lifetime.

I sense that nothing thrills me like knowing I am alive. Life is a gift generously given away by nature and the rest is all peripheral.

Every failure I experienced has helped me double to triple my standards for success. I have now reached a stage in my life having failed so many times that I refuse to see anything as a right standard for success.

Any jerk can be happy when one gets what they want. It takes synthetic sense of artistry to be happy regardless of whatever might come Ur way. This is the ultimate secret to eternal happiness.

There are only two things I will never stop - writing and staring at gals. This is as honest as I can realistically get.

I ain't cool, I am complex; I am not sweet, I am spicy; I am not good, I am great. For those of you to whom I might sound arrogant and pompous, trust me I am just being foolishly funny.

I have lived a very simple life - I have just given up on anything I have felt is achievable as its the unachievable that thrills and excites me.

I will work so bloody hard in my life that others will have no other option than to call me lucky.

Those were the set of ten Shastrianims and I hope to come up with another set as soon as possible. I would like to end this blog with something that I very passionately feel at this point of time in my life having written so much of stuff which has reached no where. I don't write to be liked. Its actually the other way round. I like to write.

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