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By: arjomo | Posted: Apr 02, 2013 | General | 1124 Views

The more old people I visit,the more I am convinced that life after one's twilight years,is sad and lonely.They may have been famous,have had huge bustling families,led very busy lives,but once they retire from the public eye,they are soon forgotten.It is indeed a sad reflection of how selfish and self-centered we have all become! All that the old crave for,is a little of your time and attention.That is enough to keep them going on happily for a while longer.Surely,we can do that,however busy we may be.

Most children go away from home to study,to another country.Initially they are excited,then terribly homesick and it does take them a while to get used to the new country,new culture.Once they have settled in,that becomes home and slowly ,their original home becomes a distant memory.Being used to conveniences,they no longer look forward to returning unless they have matching luxuries at home.Even then,they like the freedom to do what they want outside of the family circle.They graduate,start working and the visits back home get less frequent.They get married and after that they are busy settling down yet again.When the children come,they remember the parents, as where else can they get free labour to care for the new-born and the mother!The happy parents,glad to be of some use again,go over eagerly,to do their best by their children.The young grandmother usually has help back home and is really not ready for all the hard work that awaits her overseas.She struggles,happily though,and does what is expected of her.The new parents are happy that some of the chores are taken care of.The grandparents are delighted to be united with their children and the new arrival.All good things have to come to an end and so too this new-found joy.The sad grandparents make their return journey,tired and heart-broken to leave that new bundle of joy behind.After the initial flurry of visitors,showing off albums of pictures of the bonny baby,life settles down to an eternal wait of a phone call,of news or pictures of the happy family abroad. Old age comes with attendant health issues.There is nobody to lend a hand,no shoulder to lean on to for support.The children are willing to send finance.Help is hired,to assist the old parents.Various gifts are sent through visitors,though the old parents have no use for all those gadgets etc.All they long for,is the voice of their dear children,of the noisy prattle of the grandchildren,of activity around them.Alas,that becomes a distant dream.Major milestones are marked with hurried calls of"Happy birthday!Will call after I return from work,enjoy your day!" etc.The old parents are filled with nostalgia.The old lady shuffles to the old chest of drawers,pulls out a yellowing,worn-looking album,opens the pages gently,runs her hands over the pictures she has looked at ever so many times as tears roll down her cheeks.The old man sits in his easy chair looking vaguely in the distance.Do they deserve this kind of a life in their sunset years?

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