You Know---------its not about a henious crime like rape but its all about the social culture here.
In our state-Bihar, we not only have agriculture but culture also. In our state,
we respect all women as our sisters and mothers but here in Delhi, Punjab and Haryana,
there is also agriculture but no social ethical culture. These haryanvis and punjabi's
do not respect elders let alone a lady or a girl. Here they do not see a
girl as their sister or mother, but only as a sex item which is meant to
be used only for sexual pleasure. Punishing the rapists and as I've heard
in sevaral news channels recently that the rapists should be given death
penalty, will only give justice to the victim for now but will not solve
the root issue of rape and misbehavior with girls in Delhi/NCR.
What needs to be done is to change this attitude of these haryanvis
and punjabi's living in delhi and nearby areas. Some of my suggestions are:
1.)Young boys must be given proper sex education .
2.) Also moral and ethical education should be made a compulsory subject for
all ------from !st standard to Phd, in every stream----svience, arts, engg, medical, etc .
3.)All minor misbehaviour with girls should be immediately dealt servly at the early state
before they get enough confidence to commit a serious offence like rape.
4.) Our Delhi police says, that they can;t be at every place on time.
Why not they set up their patrol station or police post right at bus stops,
auto rickshaws stands and places where misbehaviour with girs are common.
5.)Every bustop or auto rickshaw stand to be equiped with not only CCTV but
also a constable 24*7.
6.)Those who are caught misbehaving with girls should be pulicilly show on
every new channel and paper daily so that others will dare not do it again fromm
the fear of social stigma.
7.)Recently, the govt of india launched the "Adhar card" -----somewhat like
a social security number in united states in which all your details are
mentioned.Those who misbehave with girls or women --------their crime details
should be entered in this adhar card so that whenever they apply for higher studies or
a job, the concerned authority shoul be aware that this person has misbehaved
with a girl or a women in past and is not appropriate for admission or
a job from a social view point. Such a action will definitely make a lot of
guys (who think a girl as a sexual pleasure item) think a thousand times before
they misbehave with a girl on the road or any other place.
- a constable must be made available on every bus plying on delhi/ncr or any where
in India in plain clothes for a girl's help and to catch these anti social men and guys
and bring them to court for immediate justice.
- Self defence weapons like pepper sprays and taser guns should be legalised in India
and made easily avalible for all the girls and ladies.
10.) Lastly but not the least-------every such guy who disrespects a woman should be punished
immediately . Be he is from a rich family or a powerful family or not. No one should be spared.
Tags :
and, rape, Women, Crime, against