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By: jasmine | Posted: Aug 20, 2008 | General | 1202 Views

Hi everyone:

These days, points are to be found aplenty on For almost every activity that one does there are generous dollops of points - reviews, comments,diaries, trust, registration etc. Read the following link to get the actual point-break up -

And as an incentive we have also started a special scheme on MouthShut where every SMS Review gets you 200 points. This scheme is valid till August 31 only. For this I will reiterate what Vikram stated earlier in his post - please register your mobile number with us, otherwise point allocation would not be possible.

It is thanks to you dear members that has got to this stage. It has been a long journey and you have been an integral part of it. Points and gifts are one of the ways we wish to make the ongoing journey fun and colourful.

Before I end, just one word. We have noticed a few members spamming in the comments section. Till now we were a bit lax about it. However, on the complaints of a few members, moving forward, we would be deleting such comments. And this means, points accumulated via spam messages would also be deleted.

So get going and start earning points.


Jasmine Ahuja

Head - Member Support

Tags :
Points, comments
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