is said by the Elders that every person has a song. A Song of Life. This is a story about a long forgotten custom among our people that begs to be revived.
Sarla was a young and beautiful Indian woman who was married during a fall gathering of the nations by the waters. After returning to her home lands, winter came and past as Sarla happily informed Grandmother Prema and other women of the tribe that she was heavy with her first child.
The women and everyone in the tribe were joyous and began to make gifts and other preparations for the baby. Grandmother Prema announced one day that it was time for the women to go into the forest to find a Song.
The next morning all the women gathered at the edge of the village and began a journey deep into the wilderness. As they arrived at a stream near a waterfall, they made camp and a sacred circle in the clearing. The women then prepared special foods and placed them in baskets around the circle. At last, Grandmother called shy Sarla to come forward and sit in the middle of the circle. The women gathered around as Grandmother announced the purpose of their meeting.
“We gather here to learn the Song of Life for the baby inside Sarla. We shall pray to the Great Mystery, the Creator of all things and listen carefully to Mother Earth to learn the Song. We know every soul has a special vibration that knows its purpose and bears the unique character of its ancestors. Let us begin."
As everyone's eyes were closed deep in meditation and prayer, a small brown squirrel sitting on a nearby stump smelled the wonderful food and slowly crept to one of the baskets nearest Grandmother. Nervously looking from side to side the Little Squirrel carefully slid into the basket and began to eat to his hearts content. Sarlas saw the little squirrel climb into the basket but was afraid to say anything during the prayer ceremony.
After many hours of prayer and silent visions, a strong wind began to blow across the camp. The women became attuned to the unique vibrations and light surrounding Sarla. Grandmother Prema then called for Sarla to stand and hear her baby's Song of Life.
The women began to loudly sing in one voice, one song of life for the unborn baby. As Sarla stood in the middle of the sacred circle, she could feel the Song of Life coming into her, giving strength and joy. Loud voices outside the basket startled the sleepy little brown squirrel but he was afraid to move. Peaking out the top of the basket, Little Squirrel decided he must escape before he was discovered. But, it was too late, Grandmother reached into the basket as she announced it was time for everyone to eat.
Grabbing a small round ball of fur, Grandmother exclaimed, "Ah ho, what do we have here? It looks like we have a little thief in our basket!" With a smile, she placed her hand to the ground and let Little Squirrel scamper away.
During the course of many weeks to follow, Sarla quietly sat alone in her lodge or walked in the forest as she sang the Song of Life to the unborn child.