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By: cyrax | Posted: Feb 22, 2020 | General | 409 Views

We've heard time and again to speak out whatever lies in the heart. I came across a quote which said "Shame derives its power from being unspeakable". Yes,very true. Unless one speaks their heart out,with regard to any wrongdoing or injustice meted out to them or others,no one would know.

Today,the word'peace' has eminent value worldwide. There are everything from'Peace rallies' to'Nobel Prize for Peace' to religions/movements worldwide advocating for'Peace' and so on. But,do we realise that this word'Peace' which has become so valuable today,has come after so much of violence,unprecented efforts and sacrifice! Isn't it Ironical! Yes,indeed very true.

To achieve any major breakthrough in society or the world in general, revolutionaries have fought from end to end. They have analysed every aspect of the cause they fight for,its pros and cons and have had the courage to speak out their hearts for the sake of their people and nation.They have created or amended laws and constitutions in order to protect the rights and liberties of people and in a way make the world a safer place to live in, mainly for the future generations. They were also wiling to sacrifice everything,including their own lives for the noble cause which they uplifted.

Take for eg our very own father of the nation Mahatma Gandhiji. Gandhi besides other freedom fighters had realised that they cannot have a laid back attitude in tackling the British occupiers.So,hence they adopted different strategies in enabling to bring about peace in the nation by driving out the invaders.But,yet Gandhi and his followers never hesitated in speaking out.

Another eg is that of the African American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. Deeply inspired by the father of our nation,King decided to be vocal against segregation in the U.S.While the victims of the segregation decided to accept it as their fate,King was an exception.He strongly felt the need to put an end to injustice towards his community or race by attacking racism at its very roots,which led him to lead several peaceful non violent protests and sermons,including the infamous Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.

These are just a couple of the countless examples we could derive from history as well as the present if we have to analyse more on this subject. But let us not forget one thing,which I would reiterate or mention once again - The freedom or safety that we enjoy today is largely the result of voices which refused to be silenced or dimmed against the supposed injustices that could have taken place otherwise,affecting millions or much of the future generations.

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