St. Joseph convent Girls High School, Promenadu Raod, Bangalore - 5 is ready to make use for bad reason then lighting the knowledge to the far poor community.
I never hesitate to contribute for educational instutions and its associated systems in anyform, since, me too have worked in academic field. Now the matter is not about the technical or short comings in academic area. The problem is forcefully extracting money from small school going kids in the name of compulsary donations!
This non-sense created by St. Joseph creates bad impressions to all the academic instutions who serve to bring peace and prosperous to the nation, to the parents, to the school teachers, to the friends, etc by inculcating the young minds with knowledge.
I was amazed with the request of young girl seeking donation from me. With no hesitation, I gave the amount and she showed the school card to register my amount and initial on it.....and I did for it, Just then, his brother approached me.....for the same!
I said, I have given my contribution to the school through your sister and what is the need for you now? anyway it is going to the school only......the boy started crying, telling that, he was made to standout side the class room for not collecting the required money per head! What a shit, a shame on the school forcefully extracting the money from little childrens!
What if a children of four from the parent studying in the same, if they are out of getting the money and more than that, how will they ask the strangers or far relatives to fund them or if no body donates to them, surely....they will force the parents to get the money to escape the unlawful punishment inside the school? and where and how the parents struggling to make their own odds will meet the school's unwanted demand from their children?
I would like to hear comments from parents or siblings or relatives or friends, whose wards / relatives studing in this St. Joseph Convent in Bangalore to make necessary steps to avoid this kind of practice!!
Tags :
st., joseph, convent, Bangalore