There was this cute little boy who loved climbing the tress.
He loved the mango, pomegranate and guava tree in the backyard of the house. He also loved the guava tree in the neighbor’s house ;)
There was one ‘keekar ka ped’ in a public garden. With a long stick in his hand, he used to beat the tree to get some nice red keekar.
The ripening season of guava was supposed to be the most enjoyable time for him. He could find guavas like nobody else could. With a proud smile he would show the guavas fetched by him, and all the family members patting his back for the heroic act of his to get those guavas.
There was a pomegranate tree as well in the backyard. It used to give deep red fruits, but was not seedless. Still, this little boy was so passionate about those pomegranates.
Sometime later, a lemon plant was planted in the backyard. He waited for the lemons to come…like a madly in love boyfriend would wait for her girlfriend. But lemon did not come. Year passed by…but no lemon. All hopes crashed.
Then one fine day, he saw a lemon…a very big lemon. He felt so happy, and took it to his chachi n badi mummy. All patted his back.
His grandpa had a job in a college which was little far away from home. Every weekend the boy’s mom, dad, his brother and the boy went to meet his grandpa. There was something about this meeting which made the boy very excited. Yes…u guessed it right. There were few guava trees in the hostel campus which made it compulsory for him not to miss any of those visits to grandpa.
He does not remember anything else about his wife’s house he visited during childhood other than- there was a guava tree in the backyard, and nobody allowed him to pluck fruits from it.
Those were his childhood days...when there was no worry, no tension, no responsibilities. Generaly people tend to change with time, they loose focus on their childhood dreamz because of the pressure from various directions.
Years passed by, this child became a young lad, then a young man...but his love for tree and nature remained intact. Today also, the excitement on his face when he sees fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, rain, cool weather is incomparable to anything else in the world.
Oops!! How could I miss this. Yeah…that excitement does get doubles when those fresh vegetables are cut and cooked, and it gets tripled if he himself gets to cook it :)