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By: pathetic_colleges | Posted: Jan 10, 2009 | General | 586 Views (Updated Mar 02, 2009)

No one can make a king out of a beggar than a stupid news agency... there are atleast thousands of articles selling hot in news papers which are copy paste... fine copy paste has become the life line of many major news papers around the world (basically lack of creativity) but the ones who have the creativity are so stupid that it is disheartening that some bright people tend to study journalism to enter that pathetic world which they cant change, a world which will absorb them to spread more stupid news across the world...

Lately I have been going through news across USA... heights of stupidity... december some started this crap about unemployment worse than 1980's based on number of unemployed... I thought well unemployment percentage is on the rise yes accepted but it is not as bad as earlier recessions... especially when in 1980 the population was half of what it is now... well stupid people tend to repeat their stupidness when no one questions them... as people say "andher nagri main kana raja".... this month they again based on numbers are telling the numbers ahve beaten he 1945 unemployment numbers... 2.3 million unemployed in 2008 compared to 2.6 million in 1945 (sad fact but stupidly depicted) what crap... in 1945 the population was probably 1/4th of what it is now... and what it means is that this recession is not even a fourth time as bad as 1945... kudos to stupid newsmakers that they tend to make all things look gloomy... and not bright as it really it is...

May be it is a course in journalism "how to make a normal thing look bad and how to make a bad thing look apocalyptic"

It did not stop with economics but in politics too....

There were more than 2 candidates for American presidency this year...but I never saw anything other than democratic and republican partiesin these good for nothing newspapers or news channels... and then afterthis crap CNN has a debate saying we need to have more parties thanjust democratic and republican... the dumb dude acts as if they don’texist...

See this wiki page... _candidates

Well I thought their stupidity was only with economic and political issues... there was a tragic death of 3 passengers in a SUV new minneapolis a few months back..... they ran into a semi frozen lake(the windows and doors were jammed and they were unable to swim out) and died of hyperthermia though rescue reached within 15 minutes... one immediately and other 2 in the hospital due to organs failure... only one survived...

Well tragic... but I couldnt help but curse when news reporters from some channel said well windows of the car are not breakable by hand bu they should use a shoe to break it and one female reported shows it by standing near a SUV takes her shoe off and breaks the glass... this was the limit... in water which is almost frozen I would love to see her brain work so fast in the first place and then would love to see how much impact she gets when submerged in a lake... (can u move your hand fast enough in water to drive a nail using a hammer? same way how can u break the glass inside water?)

Not to mention how sad the plight of Indian news agencies are (ihope you would have noticed the NDTV coverage of 2.5 hours of a catcaught in a tree in Mumbai or Delhi when 3 BSF soldiers were beingkilled in kashmir and it came as a highlight news on the news reel atthe bottom of the screen)

I am fed up of these news agencies... I am now extremely angry for these stupid people with no one to stop them.... Well we are governed by equally stupid people I suppose... who encourage such things (well not stopping is encouraging)... Sorry world I cant help it... and I am no superhero to save you.....

Welcome to share stupidity of news agencies in the below comments...

PS: edited 1/10/2009: After sending emails to editors of washington post and CNN whom I believed were the initial report generators of the unemployment rate stuff they accepted it and and changed it to below kind of reports

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america, news
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