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By: DrBatrasHealth | Posted: Dec 13, 2016 | General | 6247 Views (Updated Dec 13, 2016)

Asthma can be mild or severe, and is classified by how your breathing is affected. Most alarming are asthma attacks, episodes of severe coughing or wheezing where it is very hard to catch your breath; which is very common during winter.

Winter brings the perfect storm of cold and flu season, coupled with indoor allergen and irritants exposure.

Common asthma triggers in winter season:

• Smoke and soot from the fireplace

• Molds that can be found on fresh Christmas trees

• Pet hair and dander

• Dry indoor air from the central heater

• Plus year-round allergens like dust mites and mold.

Here’s how to cope with typical winter allergens, plus how to breathe easier when the cold air hits:

Difficulty in Breathing:

If your asthma symptoms worsen when exposed to cold, it’s probably because you’re breathing through your mouth.

Normally, nasal breathing humidifies, or moistens the air. But when we’re active(e.g. running/jogging out in the park in cold weather), we tend to breathe through our mouths instead. With mouth breathing, the winter air which is drier to begin with - is pulled directly into your airways without being moisturized.

That cold air then dries and irritates your airways and can be a trigger for bronchospasm(airway obstruction) or the tightening of the muscles around your air passages, which happens during asthma attacks.

Homeopathy for Asthma

People worry about the limitations that come with asthma. But, homeopathic goal for treating asthma patients is to provide complete relief so people don't have to alter their lifestyles dramatically.

Homeopathy treats asthmatic symptoms that are unique to the individual, not just the outward signs - because, no two asthmatic individuals present with the same symptoms. It is, therefore, imperative for one to seek treatment for asthma from a professional homeopathic doctor at the clinic - for long-term, tangible and effective results, without the fear of side-effects.

To know more in detail about Homeopathy Treatment for Asthma, click on:


• When you go outside, you can try to humidify the air naturally with a scarf that covers your nose and mouth. The scarf will trap the condensation from your breath to keep the air warm and moist.

• You may have to add a warm-up session or slowly ease into your normal exercise routine after the weather changes - but you might not have to stop exercising outside altogether. The goal is to help you stay as active as possible.

• Consider an artificial Christmas tree to avoid asthma attacks.

• When you turn on the heater after months of inactivity, you stir up the dust, germs and particles that have been collecting all summer. Consider getting your heating ducts cleaned before you need to use them. Ducts should be cleaned by professionals who have the proper equipment and won’t spread allergens throughout the house.

• With pets spending more time indoors, fur and dander can really build up on fabrics. If possible, clear away area rugs and throw pillows. If you have a dog, twice-weekly baths could reduce your symptoms.

• Wash your hands regularly.

• Most importantly, your doctor should be aware about the condition so that he/she can address the disease and your symptoms accurately with the seasonal changes.

Tags :
asthma, homeopathy, winter, treatment
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