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By: vaibhavi990 | Posted: Jun 05, 2013 | General | 1074 Views (Updated Jun 05, 2013)

We hear news of suicides almost every day. When the person committing suicide is a known face or a wealthy person (Such as Jiah Khan), it creates shock and even disbelief.

Depression is often blamed for suicides but “Depression’ is a vast term encompassing variety of situations. When we say someone is depressed, what exactly we mean by that? From layman’s perspective, it can indicate a situation when a person loses interest in life and becomes pessimistic.

Psychiatrists and Psychologists can explain the Suicide Phenomenon in much more scientific and detailed manner and give clear Do’s and Don’ts for the situation. But in our Indian Society, consulting a mental health professional is still a taboo. People will rather suffer silently or even kill themselves rather than talking to a Shrink. We really don’t think there is a health beyond Physical Health.

In such a scenario, what to do if you find yourself thinking about suicide or suspect a near n dear is contemplating Suicide? Here are some tips to deal with Suicidal Tendencies of yours or others:

-Do not be under the impression that people who “have it all” cannot have suicidal thoughts. There is no rule which can measure connection between wealth, beauty and mental health. Besides, there is a huge difference between “Appearing happy” and actually being happy.

-The primary reason of suicidal tendencies is Hopelessness. Imagine a scenario where you constantly feel there is no hope for you, future is going to be very bad, you’ll get no success what so ever, you’ll never get happiness….Would you be able to live happily? Of course Not. If this is what you are feeling, first of all, take a break from whatever you are doing. It could be your profession, relationship or even studies. Change your environment, travel to a new place, for a while. Then, make a fresh start. Sometimes, all we need is a new perspective.

-Remember, this universe and life is always getting better and better. This isn't any religious or spiritual statement but 100% reality. We are living much better than we were 10, 20 or 100 years back. Life is incapable of moving backwards. We are constantly evolving. Keep this simple fact in mind and take your life experiences positively.

-Keep good rapport with your family/friends and do no isolate yourself to be “lonely in a crowd”. If possible, discuss your issues with them. If that’s not possible, just being in touch with them will also help.

-If you feel the situation is getting beyond your control, do not hesitate to consult a counselor. Some help lines are free and protect your identity also. Just type “Suicide Helpline” in Google.

Those were some practical tips, hope it helps.

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