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By: sun_day | Posted: Nov 04, 2012 | General | 158 Views (Updated Nov 04, 2012)

Uncovering the real meaning of the Sabbath Day and how it applies today

In worldly terms, Sunday is the last day of the weekend. For some people it is the last day to get a few more things done. For others it may be a day for lounging on the couch in front of a good movie, or it may be the last chance to sleep in before the work week begins again. But what is does Sunday really mean? Is there a real underlying meaning behind Sunday?

Sunday represents the Sabbath Day. You know what day I am talking about. I am sure most of you remember the term “Sabbath” from Bible stories, and some know exactly what I mean because the Sabbath is important in your life. Before I tell you what it means in my life, I will talk a little about the full meaning of Sabbath and, ashamedly add that I am guilty of misapplying the great opportunity that the Sabbath offers in my own life.

Full meaning of Sabbath

The Sabbath Day or Sunday is the day God rested after the creation of the world (Genesis 2:3). That is why Sunday is called the day of rest. There has long been a historic observance of the Sabbath Day (Exodus 16: 23-30) and even a mandated order of its observance in both biblical and historical times (Exodus 20:8). Exodus 23:12 describes the Sabbath as also being an animal’s day of rest. Nehemiah talks about business on the Sabbath (13:16-21) and Isaiah tells of joyful worship (58:13).

Work on Sunday Debate

Some may argue against any form of work on the Sabbath. I do agree, in all honesty. Everything I have been taught in my Christian life has included the rule that it is wrong to work on Sunday. But I also know my God, and He knows me better than I know myself. And God knows you better than anyone else ever will.

God knows where we are in our lives. He knows what we have to do to support our families. And, most of all, God knows what is in our hearts. Those with a heart for Christ have a craving for the spiritual connection that is gained through fellowship. If we have that craving—that real craving—there is nothing that will keep us from applying our Sunday in the way God wants for our lives. That does not mean that your boss is going to walk up to you tomorrow and say “you have Sunday off from now on,” but it does mean that you and I have all the tools and opportunities to make Sunday a day for God regardless of what obligations we may have in this world.

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