My sincere thanks to Govindarajan Alias SAMY affectionately called by his hostelmates who stayed at 14/4 Rengarajaouranm secondstreet ,kodambakkam ,Chennai-24. Actaully he was attracted by many poor students irrespective of caste creed religion . hehelped nearly in the short period od 2006 to 2012 March ,he helped nearly 200 students .all were brough in education with 85% in Tenth and Plus Two .Wherever necessary he approached govt and social bodies and receive scholarships for them without taking single paise for his pocket expenses .He belonged to Brahmin Community. In case he used to review the students in their academic career and took himself classes on all Saturdays and Sundays at a free of cost . such a noble gentleman is missed by us from this year onwards .The reason behind it is still question mark . preethi fell in love with govind. Ms Preethi ,is residing at 3/1 Rengarajapuram second street ,kodambakkam ,Chennai-24 which was initiated by her . He magnamiously took this pain in positive direction and we watched her presence in Anjaneya Temples and Lord vinayaga temples in United India colony ,kodambakkam . All of a sudden her grandmother complained to the hostel warden and finally he was taken In to ride and he vacated the hostel with in 72 hours .afterwards hew did not turn up to that area. Ms preethy has no role in this aspect.he took this incident in a sportive way .Once we saw that he did pradhakshanam in the temple for 108 times due to the uncertainity would happen to preethy .This was based on well certified astrological predictions .That was true when he was attacked by her enemies at paranur when he was about to buy a land for his future wife and himself .The enemies looted his money .Actually her enemies without knowing her clicked photos of her and remodeled in sexual way for illegal transanctions at Mumbai for which their plan was to kidnap her .Govind did not know this plan .He warned in the bus when they were talking badly about preethy”s character in the bus .Indirectly she was saved by her after receiving brutal attack from her enemies .December last year we saw them .he back to normal condition .Even now he is not having angry with Preethy .He still loves preethy in silent way .The decision is left to her to take him as alife partner .In case any body sees preethy please give his email id to pass her views about her marriage with him. We benefitted .We also saw her loveliness with him .The decision is left to her .By force ,love will not come
Hope preethy will take a positive decision ,Best wishes to preethy .this we are writing on his behalf .Definitely he will accept whatever decision you are going to take .
Best wishes