"Unlike China's rise, world comfortable with India: PM" cried the headline on timesofindia.com. I have always wondered whether the print media in India employs proof readers or editors! If an editor at New York Times let this headline appear, he would be fired for making a serious grammar mistake. If TOI was quoting the PM verbatim, it should still have inserted the missing word in [...], as is the common journalistic tradition.
Indian media in general does not appear to care much to proofread an article before publishing it. Except The Hindu, none of the other newspaper pays attention to small details. When we were kids, we were told in School to read The Times of India to hone our English.
I would be scared to advice my kids to read The Times of India. For one, the newspaper is more of a tabloid than a newspaper. Unfortunately except The Indian Express and The Hindu, all other newspapers have followed the suit, resulting in substandard journalism and shoddy editorial quality.
Electronic media is not at all better than the print media. In fact, it is worse. The anchors stumble and make some terrible mistakes. Yet, they continue in the chair of the anchor and continue to showcase the awful quality of news reporting. Sometimes I wonder if the anchor does not know how to read the teleprompter or the news writer who wrote the story does not know English.
When oh when the media will realize that people deserve better quality journalism. Not some shoddy sensational junk put together and sell it as news.
PS: For those who are wondering what is wrong with the TOI headline, it should read something like this - "Unlike China's rise, world comfortable with that of India: PM".