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By: Dube550 | Posted: Oct 10, 2009 | General | 226 Views


Vishwakarma Highschool, Dahisar East, Mumbai.

This school has got 100% grant from government. This means teachers salary has to be given to them as per the grant received from government, but here teacher's are not getting that salary. Owner(Vishwakarma) of this school keep the salary with him and gives very nominal pay to teachers. In addition to this whatever money for election work or examination work assigned to teachers is also gulped by this money hungry Vishwakarma. He has also taken letter written from every teacher as they have taken 2lac rupees from him. This letter written was more than 2 years back. Till this amount is nullified. Still this vishwakarma cuts salaries of teacher's.

Its a shamefull thing to our education system. Teachers are also human they work to run their family. If anyone like this bloody Vishwakarma takes money out from them then its really not right.

There has to be a law to give hard punishments to such bad peoples, so noone else will think of doing this again.

This wrong things needs to be stopped and the teachers must get what they entitled for.

We need everyones help here to raise this problem and teach hard lesson to Vishwakarma.

Note : I just dont know where to add this blog/info and so wrote here.



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