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By: bebylon | Posted: Mar 19, 2014 | General | 1024 Views

First two days of last week I was in Jaipur. I had some work at a place called chaura Rasta, which is known for publishing in Jaipur. When I finished my meeting it was late evening and I had to send scan copy of an agreement form to my office, I looked around for a cyber café and I found it inside a busy street in the market. The person at the counter asked my ID before login, he said that they have a procedure to note down the Identity proof of every customer who use the Internet. I gave him my voter Id that I generally use while travelling. Voter ID card has two advantages, first it is an ID proof and second it is an address proof also which requires while check in the hotels.

I finished my work and paid him and came out without collecting my ID, same evening I returned back to Delhi. Two three days later for some work I required my ID, I checked it in my purse, bag and almost everywhere where I think I could keep it. Finally my wife said that better you think where you had used it last. I thought about the hotel where I stayed at Jaipur, still then the cybercafé thing was not in my mind. I called to the hotel, the reception people there said sir we will call you shortly after checking the counter or someone from the staff has reported about that. He called after half an hour and informed me that he has checked and verified everywhere and it is not there, I might have lost it somewhere else.

Finally in distress I left any hope to get it back and decided to go for duplicate copy which again was a very tedious process. Suddenly this cybercafé incidence stroked in my mind, but the point was I had no address, contact details of cybercafé and even if I visit there again I will surely not able to find its location.

There was nothing I could do and then I opened the Google. I typed cybercafés in Jaipur, it showed 64 results. Then I typed cybercafés at Chaura Rasta Jaipur, it showed 3 results. I refined my search further and note down the address and telephone numbers of all three. I dialled the first number, on the other side there was a strong male voice, who is there? I spoke nervously, “Sir I visited your cybercafé on Tuesday and forgot my ID there”. He replied “sir you must have a some confusion, no doubt, we had a cybercafé in chaura Rasta but we have closed it year back. After saying this he put the phone down.

In such a desperation I dialled second number, I waited and then a message on the other side, the number you are dialling is presently switched off. I prayed to the god and decided that it is my last attempt I dialled the third number and repeated the same sentence in same tone. There was a silence for a moment and then the person on the other side said. You are Prashant sharma, he repeated my address. He said sir, we will courier your Id on your address, I say thanks to him and assured that I will pay the courier charges. He said that it is not needed, after a little pause he said, sir but how did you able to find our number……I said -Through Google…………………………………………….

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