Wow! You are getting this information at no cost. Free of charge. I charge thousands for my counselling sessions and have decided to share this advise with people like you. This information is powerful. Many relationships have blossomed through my counselling, and these are parts of the nuggets I share in my sessions. Now, what you need to do is go to the webpage below and get yourself a copy of your choice on my website as a thank you for sharing this information. The information you are about to read will no doubt prosper your relationships.
Why do relationships fail? Relationships revolves around needs. Met needs. If needs are met, relationships function. If needs are not met, relationships malfunctions. If needs controls the nature of relationships, it then become pivotal to study the needs. So, what are those needs?
Female Needs:
i. affection
ii. conversation
iii. honesty and openness
iv. financial support (an account just for her)
v. family commitment (not competing with the man's mother)
Male Needs:
i. sex
ii. recreational companionship
iii. attractive wife
iv. domestic support
v admiration and respect.
You had it. Now, go to any of the following link:
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Relationships, Tips, help, advice, Dating