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By: b1unt_reviewsonly | Posted: Apr 13, 2018 | General | 240 Views

A young girl can no longer live without fear

A young girl can no longer play blisssfully

A young girl can no longer have trust on people surrounding her

Where in the name of religion a crime is committed

In the same religion's place of worship

Which God of which religion supports this kind of deplorable behavior and heinous crime from his creations

calling this behavior animalistic is an insult to Animals as what animals do is borne out of an inbuilt character

and what humans do is the result of their devious minds which even God probaly failed to comprehend when he created his so called Master piece

Maybe now that Asifa stands in the God's own court of judgement,

Its time she questioned God why he created her and sent her into such a Gory world to bear this unexplainable torture

Maybe its time God is put on the stand to answer the crimes committed by those who apparently are created in his own Image

Why was a female created in the first place if He decided she had no place in his creation?

if indeed there is a God, then its time he made his presence known / shown in this world

and prove that he is the master of justice by bringing to justice the coward criminals

and bring humanity back to life.

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