After reading the DP of Deepak, @ I thought I should add these facts.
We normally fly by Delta Airlines when we have to drive more than 6 hours. As a frequent flyer I have also subscribed to GoGo internet services, by which we can be connected to internet while flying above 10, 000 feet...its nice to be in touch with our friends on ground all over the world, through, e-mail, chat, and free voice and video calls through Google talk and Skype! I posted one such Dp @
While in Delta nonstop flight from Pittsburgh to Atlanta, 2 2 1/2 hours flight, I read Deltasky Magazine. I found one of the articles in the magazine titled "The Earth, By The Numbers - A few spastics you should know about the challenges facing our air, land and water." I give below the abstract of the article:
AIR: You can save 2,400 lbs. of carbon by recycling just half of your household waste. A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its life time. Plant trees. Scientists project that if the heat-trapping carbon emissions are not reduced, average surface temperature could increase by 3 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. 1 deg. F average global temperature increased during the 20th century.
LAND: Nearly one-half of the world's original forest cover is gone, because of logging and development. Each year 36 Million acres of forest worldwide are converted for agriculture and development purposes. 1/4 of Earth's species will be headed for extinction by 2050 if the warming trend continues at its current rate. Right now, 10 % of all known plant species are under threat of extinction. Climate change is linked to stronger hurricanes, more drought and increased coral deaths from bleaching.
WATER: Ocean span is 70% of the Earth's surface. And only 1% of the oceans are protected. The current pace of sea-level rise is 50% faster then in the last century. Sea levels have risen between 4 and 8 inches in the past 100 years. Current projections suggest that sea levels could continue to rise between 4 inches and 36 inches over the next 100 years. The Arctic ice pack ha lost an area about twice the size of Texas since the mid-1970s.
More facts can be read in
Sources: The Alliance for Climate Protection. Earth Day Network, The Nature Conservancy.