1. The Green face of Anamolous Expansion of water :
You always thought that water expanding below 4 Deg Celcius was anomalous or a design defect. It was not not to be :
If water were to contract as it freezes it would have frozen in Oceans and other big water bodies from bottom to top exposing the life beneath to freezing conditions finally ending up freezing it to death. With "anomalous" , the top layer freezes and keeps the interiors warmer and habitable. Ice is bad conductor too.
Do You still feel it is an anomaly or an excellence in Design ?
2. Propensity of water molecules to bond together (affinity) is the reason for trees to be fed downwards UP , not capillary Physics. As water molecules get used up by the leaves in Photo Synthesis and evaporation the stream catches up, defying gravity.... and nurturing life.
3. In compressibility of water helps in Speeding up water in narrower pipes feeding Hydro Turbines at high sppeds converting static energy to kinetic energy and in generation of clean Hydroelectric Power supply.
4. Water is a good solvent and the water available from rivers and ground water has adequate doses of Minerals (that are dissolved from earth) that are essential for humans and plant life.
5. Water has very high heat capacity and is hence used as a medium for Electricity Generation in Nuclear and Coal/ gas thermal plants. Also used as a coolant in Nuclear Plants.
6. Apart from this , it is useful for cooking, fire extinguishing, air cooling for human comfort , Water recreation (sports)