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By: beinghuman777 | Posted: Jul 03, 2015 | General | 223 Views

Content may be king in the blogging world, but images can add quality and information into your posts.

With a catchy photo, you can attract the attention of readers even when they’re not particularly attracted to the topic. A good photo can do wonders for your post by adding information or tying up your content to a more memorable image.

But first, it’s best to define what kinds of images. It can be a real photo of an object, a group, a person, or any subject for that matter. It can also be an illustration or a typography. Infographics are also considered images and can greatly help improve the page views of your post.

A visual content creates higher engagement from readers.

Humans are visual creatures, and with the nature of the internet, using images to break the blocks of text is necessary. White spaces are important to make a web page look nice, and adding images can make it even more pleasing.

Readers would rather go to a site that provides related images to the article instead of one that only has walls of text in every page. Information are also easier to retain and absorbed when it’s accompanied by illustration or pictures as 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual.

Besides, the web design is often one of the reasons readers cite why they like or hate a website. To make your blog look visually pleasing, adding good and related photos can do the trick.

You can derive traffic from your photos.

There are many ways photos can direct traffic to your blog. One of them is its sharability. Photos are easier to share on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. People prefer to retweet or re-share photos instead of simple articles. Also, you’ll be surprised to learn that people have discovered your blog through Google images!

Here’s what you can do:

Use proper file names for your photos instead of random ones. Properly title the photos you’ll use not only for organizing purposes but to let Google bots associate your photos with your content.

Make sure to use creative title tags in all your photos. It’s often overlooked by bloggers, but these tags gives your blog a higher chance of appearing in search engines, especially in the image section.

Use photos that are not too big and not too small. A large photo can slow down the speed of your blog, but no reader wants to squint just so they can see what’s in the photo. A photo that has 500 dimensions in width is acceptable. Any smaller and readers will no longer appreciate it.

Include infographics in your posts. Infographics can be as valuable as text posts themselves. It’s better if you can create your own infographic as you can include your URL in the photo. This way, even when it’s passed around online, they still know where to find the original photo.

Don’t overload on photos. Just as it’s important to include photos, it’s also important that you don’t include too much.

Credit your sources. If you use image that’s not yours, make sure that you provide the necessary citation.

It’s simple to take advantage of a photo’s power in the blogging world, yet, not a lot of people do it. It’s all in how you choose the ones that can best illustrate your point. So choose well to make your good content even better.

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