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By: mira.gopal | Posted: Feb 27, 2014 | General | 641 Views

If someone ask me which is my favourite flower my only answer since childhood was one and the same. Rose that too Red rose. I had loved roses as long as I can remember. I had loved to hold them in hand. My day was made when I saw a bright red rose in the garden when I woke up. When I visit temples the flower I had always wanted to get was also Red Rose. No wonder when I got married the wedding garlands were also from the petals of my favourite flower Red Rose.

But the beauty of Red Rose has also taught me one thing. If you want something beautiful you have to traverse a path which is not easy. When I had to pluck the red rose from the plant there were numerous occasions when I had been hurt by the thorns. But the thorns could never stop my fascination of Red rose nor do those small injuries deter me from plucking that flower and holding in my hand.

On most part I ignored the thorns, looking only at the rose. As time went by the red roses also taught me to look at the brighter side of everything. Instead of being afraid of thorns or giving much attention to the small pain the thorn gives the red roses taught me to ignore the small small problems that come in front of my goal. Red roses thought me if you have more thorns understand that the ultimate goal is more beautiful. Hold on. You will be able to attain it. The thorns are actually testing you. Testing you on how much you want your goals. How far you will be able to go for it. So just hang on. Just like the red rose that you held in your hand that goal will also be one day yours.

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