At it is not what you see is what you get. The product descriptions are incomplete, enough to misguide you about deciding on buying a product. NEVER go for items on SALE, as those items look worn out and of poor quality. My mother bought me a Wrangler jeans which had price tag loosely ties with it with a thread, so I have doubt if the price tag is genuine. Secondly we bought this braided purple top at Rs 596 (on Sale) (Order ID : 120819299256375, Dt: 19.08.2012). It was a partial delivery with the inner vest and braided belt missing.
Immediately called the Customer care and informed about it. The executive confirmed from her superior that yes, the vest and belt are part of this dress and gave me a complaint docket number and told me their executive will call for an enquiry within 48 hrs. But I received no call in the next 100 hours.
When I reverted the survey form ( I received via mail after product delivery) with negative feedback as I was disgusted with this service , I got a call very next day to listen to another version. The executive this time told me the black vest was not part of it but the belt was. And to get the complete dress I have to return the product and order again. She said returned product will go through a quality check. If it passes then I’ll get my money back and it will 17 to 18 days! STRANGE, that they don’t have a quality check before delivery! And strange enough that I ordered 5 items and received all of them on the very next day in Kolkata. If they don’t have any local outlets then is it possible to deliver in only 24 hours with a proper shipping and delivery process?
They said all products are shipped from Noida (or Gurgaon …can’t exactly remember the place name). However, I was not convinced with this Return policy and took time to think about it. Then I got a call third time to know to my surprise that neither the black vest nor the braided belt were part of the dress. Now you tell me if none of these are part of it … will you but this top at about rs 600? And I believe that the belt is a part of the dress because the name of the product style on the voucher was mentioned as ‘braiding top’ and secondly there is belt holders stitched with the dress on both sides. So JABONG is quite deceiving. This was my first as well as last shopping from Be careful and think twice before ordering any product there.
Tags :
jabong,, apparels, garment, shopping, online