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By: rifathussain | Posted: Jan 11, 2016 | General | 272 Views

I love my country but I am more than mature enough to understand and accept that there are some things that may not be as liberal as we would want it to be. Some say that it's a freedom of speech thing or something related to anti-patriotism. The truth however, is different, I think. I hate Amir Khan cause of doing Dhoom 3 but the ROI hates him for his intolerance statement. I, personally couldn't care less about his opinions as he is a bad judge of scripts already, what does he know anyway? But my point is that we reacted in the same way he accused us of which was just proving him right and I am sure he smirked when he found out that he was right all along. I have a problem with that, actually. As long as we exist, there will be difference of opinions and debates all around but my request to everyone is very simple. Be tolerant or not, I don't care but stop making stupid people more famous than they already are for the wrong reasons.

Tags :
tolerance, intolerance
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