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By: avishek82 | Posted: Sep 16, 2013 | General | 2009 Views

I have been on MouthShut_Official for quite some time now. I have made great friends, read amazing blogs, and learnt a lot from product reviews. I have also myself contributed to this website the little I can. Looking back today, I want to list top 10 reasons which keeps me hooked on to this amazing website:

  1. It gives me a creative platform. It allows me to write blogs, share my feelings with the multitude just at the convenience of sitting at my PC or laptop. These feelings come random to my mind. And I always want people to read about them and comment. MouthShut_Official helps me to spread my words to a gamut of people. I have also written reviews of products that I have used, posted sms reviews too. It was great to hear what others thought about that product. It helped me form an opinion.

  2. Jitendra Mathur (@jmathur). Yes, Jitendra ji is one of the strongest reasons why I am on MouthShut_Official. Not only he is an amazing writer whom I just adore, he is such a nice human being too. He connects to me like a friend and advisor, regularly encourages me to write. He even calls me personally and asks about my well being. Whenever Jitendra ji writes anything on MS, he is kind enough to share it with me and writes to me personally to read it. I am really thankful to MS that I met such a person.

  3. I got so many other lovable friends here, like @chalojai, Somjeet (@countme91., @anshumanmaini, Mukund (@toothless), @cyrilsunil, @nagaraj_bhoopalam, @Cattie, @maaz_nawaz, @JaveedAhmedM, @ajeet15, @nimisha23377, @desigal, @desiprincess, @M_Biswas, @SG21, @ahsg1999, @deepak27, @Siddhartth, @amiqu, @fenil_seta, @prasu.sreeju, @sydbarett, @Rup_007, @GEETA1963, @RAJESH.SINHA, @RASHMI.SINHA, @GRUCHIRG, @Ajay_1977, @EarnesTaster, @aditiavalkar

and @VV_85.

  1. I get to read amazing articles and blogs here. Apart from the names already mentioned, I also like to read Himani ji (@jains24), @bebylon, @suraaz, @ChaoticSoul, @confusedsoul, @lovesreading, and @Aarini. There are lots of others too. These names come to my mind as I write. But many many more writers here have touched a chord with me on MS.

  2. Opinion polls - They are a fun feature added by MS. Some polls are funny, some are biased, some are very very interesting. I like to create my own polls too.

  3. Contests - MS contests are such a great moral booster. I can compete for exciting prizes and it feels great when I get some reward. Same with user generated contests too, like quiz contests organized by Jitendra ji, Deepak ji etc.

  4. The great discussions in comment sections - Whenever a socially relevant topic comes up in a debate or a blog or maybe even a movie review, it's really exciting and interesting to read through the comments posted and take part in the discussion.

  5. It gives me a social recognition - Through MS, now so many people across India and the globe know me. These people would have never come to my life had I not been on MS. I am grateful to MS that it made me meet so many nice writers. I have loved them and got back love in return. MS has also given me a star. Though it does not make me complacent in anyway, it definitely feels nice.

  6. MS Meets - It's always nice to read about MS meets whenever and wherever they happen. Long time guys, let's start this again. So far, I have met only one MS writer in person and that is Somjeet aka @countme91. I have an open invitation from @jmathur also whenever I land up in Hyderabad. I definitely want to meet more MS people and I will try to organize a Kolkata meet this winter. Everybody is welcome to this meet. I plan to organize it this December or on January 2014. I will post blogs and bulletins for this one.

  7. The team at MS - It's time you get a kudos. It's true that I have got many a concerns about MS, but overall, my MS experience has been great. And thanks to your efforts for that. Starting from @caretaker to @vikram_tech to bigg boss @faisal - take a bow guys!

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