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By: sumansharma | Posted: Jul 13, 2009 | General | 648 Views

I read this review onMS only and found out very informative, but with only one comment, so I decidedto make it more popular, so that more people could know the availability ofsuch services-------------------------------------------

Looking to buy aproperty?

Confused? This happens with every individualbefore putting up their hard earned money in a project that might be completelyunknown to him. Every one has a dream of owning a house. Like others, I alsohave a dream but when I started my preliminary level search before investing, Ifound out that there are lots of builders who are in the market just to makemoney, without caring for the investor’s fund.

I searched almost allpremier real estate sites to find out how to make a safe purchase, I put upquestions in discussion forums but all those resulted in unsatisfactoryresults.

My continuous researchlanded me to, to be honest I am really impressed with the kind of concept they are workingon. As the name itself suggests they will help you to save yourself from thecheaters

The main differencethat I have found in this site and others like 99acres, magic bricks, makaan,was that this site is not here just to list different properties, but toprovide you the help to identify which one is safe to invest.

Whereas other sites aredisplaying only marketing details, and keeping themselves aside from any kindof controversies like authenticity of land and maps, this site is showing allapproved maps, property ownership documents and other documents, to make surethat customer could identify the authentic builder.This site would alsohelp you to provide financing from different banks, they would provide youconsultation at any moment of purchase; they will also come forward to provideyou any legal and technical help. seems to be a new entrant in market with an aim toimprove it. They are working on projects of Delhi NCR, I found almost allsignificant projects of Delhiand NCR, listing has been done in more user friendly manner.

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