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By: Cindy | Posted: Jun 06, 2012 | My Diary | 1011 Views (Updated Jun 06, 2012)

"Kehte hai agar kisi cheez ko dil se chaho tho poori Khayanat use tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai"

That is the Universal Truth, if you really want something; the Universal helps you to achieve it. When we were waiting to go and see Amarnath Linga, an auto man came and said are we waiting to go and see it. No idea how he knew and it was the last day to see the Linga. We were very surprised and said yes.

He was really humble and came along with us and waited too without any kit kit. He also missed his prashad and we gave ours. Where we can get a auto driver so good....

And about the Amarnath Linga, they have created a cave, which was cool, thanks to the air-conditioner.

They also had a beautiful falls to enhance the ambience and the Linga too the cake, it was magical and Divine. I never thought in my dream that I will get to see this thanks to Chennai for make it possible, we all know that Amarnath is the coldest place and only can go if Lord Shivji wants us to see...

That is why I say if you want something bad, always leave it Universe!!!

Tags :
amarnath, linga
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