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By: hemus | Posted: Feb 08, 2009 | General | 299 Views

Dear Friends,

For men shaving is a essential need to keep looking smart (except few who prefer to keep it). Though there are N# options available for shaving. I think Electric shaver of standard make is one of the best. I use Philips make shaver for last 9 yrs & would like to share my experience as below.


  1. It’s quick & simple - With Philishaver it takes me just 3 to 4 minutes to complete the shave. It does not need any cream or lotion.

  2. Normal shaving system may bring you cuts at least once a year. With Philishaver you are 100% cuts free.

  3. Normal shaving system needs comparatively more preparation & cleaning (Razor, brush etc.) - Philishaver is so easy to clean that it takes just 5 minutes a week to keep it clean.

  4. Once you are practiced, in hurry times shaving necessarily need not be done standing in front of the mirror. it can be clubbed with other morning activities & time can be saved.

  5. It’s so easy to carry that whenever you are travelling, shaving kit is just a small pouch & you are done. Its internationally accepted voltage rating helps using it across the globe.

  6. Its inbuilt trimmer keeps your side cuts intact every day. It also takes care of underarm hairs (needs practice)

  7. At the end cost factor - If the expenses of conventional Shaving system are considered on a lower side shaving/day is Approx Rs10/day. so for a year expenditure is Rs.3650.

Cost of basic rechargeable Philishaver is Rs. 3600. & it lasts (If not damaged) least for 3 years. so you spend for 1 years shaving cost & shave remaining 2 years for free.


1. Over the years usage the hairs become bit hard. - Solution I found for this is shaving with conventional system once a week.

  1. Its blades are not easily available in the market (Which is to be replaced after 3 years)

  2. The cost of blades I was told in Pune was just less than the cost of new Philishaver. I bought a new one at the place of replacing the blades.

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