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By: babruvahana | Posted: Jul 29, 2009 | General | 407 Views

Hi all,

Everyone is aware that there is an sever viral infection round is happening in and around BANGALORE for the past several months. Doctors claim it to be just a viral infection but which is not so as its the same dreaded CHUKANGUNYA, however no doctors are claiming it to be for reasons unknown. Even I am one of the sufferer as post viral there is severe pull in the muscle and unable to do my daily routine work due to severe joint pains body pains etc. Most of the clinics, hospitals are full of patients and each one of them are standing for nearly 2 hours to get to see the doctor. Such is the pathetic way how this viral is struck in Bangalore. On the other hand govt is taking no effort in solving this issue as to find out either is it waterborne or food borne and they are absolutiely not concerned about the well being of the citizen of Ban galore. They should somehow stop this menance of this epidemic which is though is mushrooming day by day but I dont see any type of activitities happening from their side.

Netizens plz try to educate on this issue to all and make sure we take this govt to task to restrict this epidemics.

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