Hi friends,
Yesterday, I attended a seminar on Swine Flu. It was organised by one of our clients at KEM hospital in Pune.
The seminar was addressed to the school authorities in Pune. This is because schools, unfortunately, are the convenient places for any virus to spread.
The speaker was renowned paedetrician Dr. Pandit. He has an enviable experience of 35 years. There is no doubt as far as his competence is concerned. And, many say he is gifted with a magical touch.
But, I was quiet surprised and sad to learn that he charges Six times over and above the average charges, which any other paedetrician normally charges. Such a pity that the magical touch is available for a select few only. Mainly those who can afford it.
I know doctors have their set of problems, their limitations and the fact if you keep a low fees, there will be more patients than a doctor can probably handle. But, what I would appreciate and expect from such senior and renowned doctor is whether they can extend their help in such times of crises.
If an ordinary individual like me can contribute (I have taken so many printouts of the swine flu awareness and prevention poster and put in all possible places)I wonder how much a professional will be able to contribute in such needy times.
Just hoping people will wake up and act.