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By: pink_city11 | Posted: Nov 18, 2011 | General | 228 Views

t’s probably the purest creation of Mother Nature, one we human beings cannot survive without. With more than three-fourths of our body being composed of water – blood has 83 percent of the liquid, our muscles have 75 percent, our brain has 74 percent, and even bone is made up of 22 percent of water – it comes as no surprise that we need this liquid in order to live. Besides being essential for life, water is the surest and safest way to good health. By drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day (more if you sweat a lot or if you work out and play sports), you can ensure that all your systems and organs function as they’re supposed to. Water offers us a multitude of health benefits:

It’s the perfect liquid to quench your thirst – colas and other sugared drinks make your blood glucose level rise, dehydrate you, and cause you to feel even thirstier, as do caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee.Water ensures that your body and its organs function properly.It boosts your blood circulation.It helps in the digestive process.It makes your kidneys and bowels function better to flush out the waste from your body.It helps remove toxins from your system.It gives your skin a healthy glow.It makes you more energetic and keeps you from feeling tired.It helps in weight loss programs – fat is easily burned when you’re not dehydrated.It boosts both mental and physical performance.It prevents acidity and the formation of ulcers.It prevents you from getting unexplained headaches and bouts of giddiness.It keeps your heart healthy.Water keeps sportspeople and gym enthusiasts from getting dehydrated and also improves their performances.It reduces stress on your heart and brings down body temperature.It enhances the health of pregnant women and improves milk production in lactating mothers.It boosts your immune system and prevents you from catching colds and succumbing to viral infections often.Water helps you recover faster from an illness.It prevents sores from forming on your body because your skin is dry.It prevents constipation.It prevents the formation of kidney stones and keeps urinary infections at bay.

Thirst is a sign of dehydration, so if you’re drinking water because you’re thirsty, it means your body has already lost between 1 and 2 percent of its water content. So make sure you drink a glass of water every couple of hours to prevent dehydration from setting in. Also, it’s best to increase the amount of water you drink after you’ve had a cup of coffee or tea or a cola.

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