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By: DESPRADO | Posted: Jun 15, 2012 | Thoughts | 710 Views

Now, lets think about the other way. One life and one way of living it with no options leading here and there. What if we only have one life with no options? All that happens in our life happens because it has to happen. We have no options if I am born blind that’s it, that’s how it is meant to be. The man was born to join army and there was no other job for him, no matter how much he cribs about it. The girl was destined to marry the poor man, and get only love but no money. Will this thinking make our life simple?

Arabian Saints have a term for it ‘Makhtab’, which means ‘It’s all written’. Everything that happens in our life is already written, already decided. Even before we take our first breath on this planet, our death (the exact date, time and place) is already written. But the good part is we don’t know anything about, what is written? What you say? Is that possible? Thank God that He didn’t load that stuff in our memory and kept it empty and formatted when he sent us into this world.

I was born in Jammu, but did my graduation in Jamshedpur and now I am working in Pune. Was it me who chose these places? Or were they already chosen for me? Lets consider the first theory : What if I had chose to do my graduation in Jammu itself, that way there would have been no Jamshedpur in between so how could I have been working in Pune now. May be I had never known Mouthshut that way and this post would’ve never been written and you, the reader, who is reading it would have been reading something else. What would you have been doing? You know or may be God does. But how could even you know? Can you?

Now by second theory, there is nothing exceptional about it all. I am in Pune because that’s where I am meant to be. I wrote this write-up because I was supposed to do and spend an hour of my life doing it. And you, the reader, was supposed to read it, and may be smile reading this word ‘smile’; laugh OK..’laugh’, and if some of you have already left reading in the middle itself and didn’t reach till this point and missed a chance to smile reading it that means that this post never meant to make you smile. How simple!

You know what, looks like that’s where I am meant to stop. Otherwise why would my back start to ache and the arms of my watch would suddenly start to tell me, its time to leave for home.

Good that I believe in second theory and my life is simple. Otherwise, all through the way I will be thinking, what if I had stayed and continued with adding more of my thoughts to this write-up. Would that have made it better? Not sure. What if I had written some review, but, on which product: book? movie? Which book? Which movie? Oh My God..,, Leave it… I am going mad…


Keep Thinking..

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