When ever I start thinking my past...my plans..dreams...I beheld..... and compare it to my present...I find a trench-gap...what I thought and what happened...although I did a lot of effort to do the things my way....Is every thing destined?....Yes..I concluded...with my live examples...but one more strong fact which I realized..if you are true to your heart,feelings..and deeds ... you must overcome your difficulties and problems ...you can feel the presence of God when you find a ray of hope in the darkness. I m God fearing person... what ever I do....do remember my Lord first...the worst happened..nevertheless... Hopes never died...of course...He has planned every thing... and gives us strength to move ahead...to get at..where something better is awaiting...............................God upsets our plans, only to set up His plan for us...because we see our present and plan our future...but He sees our future and plan our present....