Hi Everyone,
The achievement of objective, purpose or goal is known as success. It may be on the basis of personal and professional.
So, there are two types of success in life.
1. PERSONAL SUCCESS: It refers to personal success such as being a good human being, being a wonderful parent, being obedient child, a loyal and honesty husband or wife, being retaining good names and maintaining respect in society etc. personal success always provides an inner satisfaction for living better life.
2. PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS: It refers to professional success, such as, a doctor, a successful engineer,a successful employee, a successful entrepreneur, etc. Professional success helps an individual & his family to lead a rich, beautiful and resourceful life.
In other words, if achievement of objective, purpose or goal is based on profession than it may be treated as professional success.
Those who are personally & professionally successful can only be considered as truly successful. We should always try & encourage others for true success.
People who are working for welfare of poor and downtrodden, those who are working for improving living standards of other, those who are running N.G.O.; it goes without saying that they are real warriors and truly successful individuals.