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By: wheatgrass | Posted: Jul 02, 2009 | General | 711 Views

Benefits of wheatgrass powder:- Wheatgrass referred to as ‘drugless therapy’, is a “complete 100% natural food” providing all the necessary nutrition. It is helpful for anything from cancer to common cold. It is specially helpful after surgery or delivery, when the body needs to regain blood levels and build up tissues. It is also helpful for those with eye problems. Blood cancer, Thalassemia & Urinal problems: It is specially good for those with blood cancer and thalassemia (blood transfusion), wheatgrass builds up resistance to diseases, eliminates body toxins and because of its alkaline properties, it is good for urinal problems. Molecular structure of chlorophyll in wheatgrass & haemoglobin in human body is similar therefore wheatgrass is called Green BloodHeart, intestine, lung & kidney functions: Chlorophyll in wheatgrass purifies blood, boosts the functioning of heart, & improves blood vessel, intestine, lung & kidney functions.Brain & heart problems:Wheatgrass loaded with vitamins E, A & C acts as an anti-oxidant & retards ageing of cells in the body that cause brain & heart problems.Cancer:The ‘live enzymes’ present in the chlorophyll in wheatgrass are a deterrent to cancerous cells. Wheatgrass also contains laeterite or vitamin B12 which is used in the treatment of various types of cancers.Arteriosclerosis:The presence of magnesium in large quantities in wheatgrass help in reducing arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries). An all-purpose tonic: Wheatgrass is an effective tonic, beneficial for arthritis, skin allergies, greying or hair loss, weakness, kidney stones, weak eyesight, pyorrhea, or dental infections and fatigue, it not only works on wounds and burns faster than antiseptic, but is also super effective in serious cases of heart disease, acute stomach ache, infection of the digestive system, gas, paralysis, asthma, constipation, diabetes, leucoderma, leukemia, and other cancers. The price of 100 g bottle (I month course) is Rs 400 (incl. all taxes) Usage: For best results , take 1 tsp. powder to a glass of warm water once a day on an empty stomach for 21 days, take a break for a couple of weeks and then start using it again for six weeks.

For health guidance & purchasing, contact: Dr. A H Fatmi At +919838505304 Fatmi Healthcare services

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wheatgrass, lucknow, India, uttar, pradesh
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