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By: Dinzaach82 | Posted: Nov 03, 2011 | General | 648 Views

Recently, me and my family visited Shri Kalahasthi (40/50 Kms from Tirupathi) for performing some pooja.

The plan was to visit Tirupathi temple initially and then go ahead and halting @ Shri Kalahasthi. When we reached Tirupathi, the crowd was so high that our hearts sank. Accepting it as our fate we moved on without having darshan of Shri Venteshwara! (Well not to mention that one will never get any rooms we the journey is adhoc. We tried our level best to get one room for the night, so that we would move the next day for pooja @ Kalahasthi, but in vain.)

The religious hurting started the next morning. We got in touch with the hotel manager to let us know about someone who can lead us through the pooja performing activity in the Temple. The fellow arrived at around 8.30 and told us to be ready by 9.00 Am. We went with him towards Temple and he left us there suggesting us to keep our shoes at one shop. He suggested to lit "Diyas" and reckoned that its a must for the one who as supposed to perform pooja. (I had a gut feeling then and there and felt it a bit strange) There were 4 "Diyas" in every plate and we took 4 plates. After lighting them we were asked to pay "600" for 4 plates of Diyas!!! (Hey, you never told me that before lighting them or taking them) (By this time the fellow who was along with us was no more there........since he will get his share later on from the shop keeper...... and my heart said "Jai Bholenath"

Next, to perform pooja we have to pay Rs.1500, Rs.750, Rs.350 etc for corresponding pooja according to your problems. Say Kal sarpa dosha, Sampurna Rahu Dosha, etc and that is per head rate!

As suggested by our relatives we went for the Rs.1500 per head pooja for us three kids. i.e. Rs4500/-.

This fees has to be paid at a bank's counter and only then we would be allowed to enter the special entry for pilgrims ought there for performing pooja.

Just as when I got the receipts, one fellow climisht my hand and put some flowers in the bags that were handed over to me by the person at the counter. Swiftly, he said give me Rs. 360 for three plates of flowers.(Hey, I never asked for flowers too? Quietly, I had to pay that as well! Its still not over. At 15 meters away, a guy asked me how many tickets? I said three. OK! He put three bags into our bags and told "Give me 600" Hey, for what? Its pooja material... I don't need that man! He replied, if you don't take it. the temple authorities will kick you out of temple! I still refused and the man got infuriated. He angrily said, "Don't take then, they will send you back and you will take it back from me only! Here, mum nodded and said, let's not waste time...Get over this ....I said OK - Jai Shiv Shambhu!

The pooja was performed for 20 minutes and we were out in 45 minutes!

Well, there are these lines for Free Darshan, Special Darshan,(I don't remember the exact amount in ruppess) and what not rates to visit our GOD! Contd...

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