Here I am... back again with another time pass topic... Loneliness...
It is cold today
Indeed the rain is falling and I am alone.
Thoughts of life and love,
meaningless to anyone but myself.
I am alone.
They watch me, their eyes not knowing,
knowing nothing of what they see.
I am but another creature, alone.
They scurry on the surface, unaware,
unaware of the life below
when you are alone.
Loneliness, not a burden nor a sorrow,
but a time of solace, of deepness
never to be shared, never to be understood.
They can never reach the place where I am
And I know I will never reach the place where they are.
I know I don't want to reach that place.
True happiness is here, unmisted.
Unmisted by smiles or laughter,
unmisted by the joys of company.
To find true happiness,
to know if one is truly happy,
he must be happy alone
By - Rebecca Drollinger
There are times in each of ours life when we are struck with Loneliness... Sometimes we come to terms with the facts and sometimes we run from them. We deny being lonely and run towards places that are crowded and populated, we will party, go out with friends, drink n all... but news news news!!!! we are still all alone in the crowd, because lonelliness does not come in physical shape and size it comes as a mental state and you cannot get rid of it no matter how hard you try.
There have been times (too many times actually) when I found myself completly alone.. I have my best friend sitting right beside me, but still ALL ALONE... coz though I am sitting with her.. my mind is feeling the emptiness and discomfort. The feeling of discomfort comes from the fact that how can I, so loved by everyone, be so lonely... With everyone around but still no one with me. The times when whole ocean of negativity flows in my mind... All the WHYs WHENs HOWs move in and out of my mind.
But but but!!! This feeling of loneliness soon evades and then I realise - Dude!!!! it is still just the state of your mind. so chill n relax!!! and here I am back to my normal world... back with my friends and pallies!!!!